Home Resources AcSoft Kickstart Your New Business With the Kickstarter Pack

Kickstart Your New Business With the Kickstarter Pack

Things have changed in acoustics. More than ever, acoustics consultants have decided to ‘go it alone’.

With them, they/you take your clients with you, whom you have taken care of for years and gained trust. You are working from home with the aim to build enough of a business to justify a shiny new office and start something incredibly special. However, to get to the shiny new office and the prospect of building a crack team to take on the world, you will need a certain set of tools. The acousticians ‘toolbox’.

Therefore, AcSoft have put together a specific toolbox with all the things you will need to become successful.

The Kickstarter pack consists of the following tools:

  1. IMMI – Noise prediction software for noise mapping
  2. IMMI – CRN and CRTN modules for Road and Rail noise predictions plus BS5228 module
  3. Svantek SV 971A – the industry leading class 1 IEC61672-3 sound level meter, fully loaded with 1/1 and 1.3 octaves and 48KHZ audio recording
  4. Svantek SV 33B – Class 1 acoustic calibrator
  5. Svantek SV 72 – hard carry case, to house all your new tools inside one place

Why have we chosen these tools? We have discussed with many acoustics consultants who have made the jump on their own. We asked them: what do you need for the next 6 months to get you on your feet? This was the list that they came back with and the kit that they decided was right for their business.

Many acoustics consultants are now up and running and making a success of there new way of working and some of that success is down to the Kickstarter pack from AcSoft.

They are benefiting from the smaller class 1 sound level meter on the market with fully loaded software analysis. They are also benefitting from the best acoustic software in the world with world class support and maintenance from IMMI.

Choosing this equipment will allow you to save time as a small business with small resources in time. It will allow you to give the impression of a much larger business, meaning you can grow strong and fast!

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