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The Power of Owning Long Battery Life Vibration Monitor

When you’re monitoring vibration, consistency and reliability is key. With structures and human life at risk, it is imperative that you have no lapses reporting, allowing you to stay on top of potential risks.

For this, you need a vibration monitor that lasts, one that needs minimal maintenance & calibration and is robust enough to with-stand the harsh environment of the sites you’re working on.

Considering these factors, the best solution would be to use the SV 803, a long battery life vibration monitor that is one of the industry leaders, while remaining as a cost-effective solution.

One feature of the SV 803 that makes it stand out is it’s 6-month battery life. Offering you a long-term monitoring device that you can install and forget about for months, while maintaining consistent and reliable measurements.

If you’re wondering just how easy and low maintenance the 803 is. Imagine only having to tend to the meter 4 times over the course of a 2-year project?

The 803 proving its status as a Long battery life vibration monitor
The 803 is able to reach battery life of 6 months, as shown in the above image, taken from SvanNET.

So Why is Long Battery Life Vibration Monitor Important?

A long battery life vibration monitor is key to running consistent and reliable measurements.

No Need for an external power source.

The SV 803’s 6-month battery life means that you won’t need an external power source constantly plugged into the meter. This offers significant flexibility in positioning your monitor wherever it’s needed most, allowing for remote or hard-to-reach placement where regular maintenance would be challenging.

Hot-Swappable Batteries

In addition to its extended battery life, the SV 803 features hot-swappable batteries. This means you can replace the battery without shutting down the unit, ensuring continuous monitoring. Our rechargeable batteries provide continuous, consistent measuring, with no downtime. This is made possible as the meter runs off the back-up battery while you’re swapping over.


But How Does It Work?

The 6-month battery life is made possible with the innovative ‘sleep mode’ setting.

Let’s say your site operates from 9 AM to 5 PM. During these hours, it’s crucial to receive regular updates from your monitor. However, after 5 PM, when activity on site decreases, you don’t need constant updates.

The SV 803 will then enter sleep mode, conserving power by stopping regular updates through its modem while still monitoring the entire time.

If there are any threshold exceedances, you’ll be notified immediately, ensuring you never miss a critical alert.


Get a 10 Year Warranty on Your Long Battery Life Vibration Monitor

The 803 is also eligible for 10 years of warranty, meaning that you can worry even less about the state of your monitor. This will be an improvement upon the initial 3 years of warranty that you receive when purchasing an 803.

You’ll get full piece of mind for over a decade of reliable measuring.

Get in touch to get your hands on an 803 today.


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