Home Resources AcSoft Here’s Why You Should Be Excited About Listen Soundcheck 22!

Here’s Why You Should Be Excited About Listen Soundcheck 22!

Recently, Listen released the latest version of their flagship program, SoundCheck 22, a robust application that includes everything you need to perform sound quality audio measurements on a wide range of devices.

While the product is incredibly powerful, flexible, it can be summarised into 3 main capabilities:

  1. 1. Test Sequences – how tests are configured by the operator
  2. Virtual Instruments – software implementation of standard audio test equipment
  3. Data Analysis – the various analyses that SoundCheck can perform on your data

Listen update this program regularly, with yearly improvements that range from quality of life to brand new system changing features. So today, we’ll be running through each of the new features that you should be excited about.


  1. Seamless Python Integration

Arguably the biggest new feature to SoundCheck 22, this new functionality allows users to develop custom functions and automate tasks directly within the SoundCheck environment.

  • You can now create tailored solutions for your specific testing needs. You can now write custom Python scripts that integrate directly and seamlessly with SoundCheck sequences
  • You can automate repetitive tasks or complex workflows that would usually bog you down, saving time and margin for error.
  • With improvements to data communication, you can now easily pass data between soundCheck and other devices / software.


  1. Advanced Crest Factor Analysis

The addition of crest factor analysis offers a reliable and robust method for evaluating audio signal characteristics.

  • You can measure the peak-to-RMS-ratio to identify and analyse any impulsive distortions. This ensures that you get clearer and more accurate measurements on sound quality.
  • With the all-new Crest Factor Analysis feature, you can now gain insights into dynamic range of your audio signals. This helps you fine tune and optimise your systems for a wide range of audio levels.

SoundCheck 22

  1. Upgraded Statistics Module

Listen have given the statistics module a serious overhaul, making it more powerful and user friendly.

  • The new drag and drop features allow you to create an intuitive layout with ease, making it much more user friendly, and streamlining your workflow.
  • You can now reset statistics during a sequence, ensuring accurate analysis throughout your testing process without interruption.


  1. Enhanced Metadata and Post Processing

SoundCheck 22 comes with enhanced metadata and post processing capabilities that are designed to make your life much easier.

  • You can automatically add relevant information during tests. This makes it much easier to document and retrieve and document detailed test results.
  • With improvements to post processing, you can now perform complex calculations with greater ease. Such as LEQ calculations and custom time windows.


  1. Virtual Instrument Additions

With new virtual instruments, you can expand the scope of your testing capabilities.

  • You can now customise the size and location of your displays, with multiple simultaneous display windows for comprehensive data visualisation.
  • You can also perform real time calculations on a combination of live and stored curves, allowing for dynamic interactive data analysis.


There are plenty of other features too, with improvements and new features:

  • Multi-Instrument enhancements.
  • Upgraded signal generator and multimeter.
  • Apple silicon support
  • Sequence Versioning

If you would like to hear more about the new features and see them first hand, check out the SoundCheck YouTube.

So should you be excited about this? Absolutely! SoundCheck 22 represents a powerful upgrade on a strong program packed with features designed to streamline your testing processes and enhance the way you analyse data.

If you’re interested in SoundCheck and would like to arrange a demo with one of our experts, don’t hesitate to get in touch at sales@acsoft.co.uk or call us on 01234 639550.

Or if you simply want to find out more about SoundCheck, head to our site and check it out.


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