Home Resources Svantek Building Acoustics Pro App – What’s New?

Building Acoustics Pro App – What’s New?

The Building Acoustics Pro is the smartphone application created for sound insulation measurements with Svantek sound level meters.

Introducing the latest building acoustics assistant app tutorial video which unveils the all new features and updated user interface of the building acoustics pro app! Dive into a world of enhanced acoustics with our intuitive app, designed to simplify your sound projects and elevate your audio experiences.


Impact Sound Insulation with a tapping machine or rubber ball supported by the mobile application

The BA assistant app supports the measurement of the impact sound insulation in accordance with ISO 16283, both with the use of a tapping machine and rubber ball. Using Bluetooth, the App connects to the Svantek sound level meter in real-time and uses the downloaded measurements to calculate the normalised impact sound pressure level L’n,w(C1), standardised impact sound pressure level L’n,w(C1) and L’n values in twenty one 1/3 octaves bands with central frequencies from 50 Hz to 5 kHz. The application allows the user to define more than one source position. Each source section includes additional optional measurements of airborne sound contribution.

Reverberation Time RT60 remote user interface for decay and impulse reverberation time measurement methods

The building acoustics app provides an easy to use user interface for Svantek sounds level meters equipped with Bluetooth and the reverberation time measurements option. Using the BA Assistant is very convenient when the sound level meter is mounted on a tripod. The real-time Bluetooth connection between the App and the sound level meter make the setup and downloading the RT60 results easy. The app guides the user through the reverberation time measurements, offering settings for the impulse and decay methods.

STIPA Measurements

The application connects to the meter to configure the settings and download the results needed for the STIPA calculations in real-time. The setup is quick and easy as the app provides the choice of read configurations for common standards such as IEC 60268-16, AS 1670.4, DIN 0833-4, PN-EN 60849:2001, PNEN 5084:2017 and PN-B-02151-4:2015. The app allows the user to use the ambient noise in the STI assessment. The measurement screen presents the results including the STI index, STI index, STI category (Cat.), LAeq LCeq, results error status (whether the measurement was correct) and modulation indexes m(f1), m(f2) for seven octave bands with central frequencies from 125 Hz to 8 kHz. The application prints an editable MS Excel report once the measurements are completed.


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